Fordham Youth Group


Upcoming meeting - FYG Meeting- 8th June

Jubilee party: Thank you to everyone that helped with the youth group craft stall at the Jubilee. It was a great event and was appreciated by all.

Welcome to the newly established Fordham Youth Group! Our new venture started on the 15th January 2020 and has so far proved to be well attended and lots of fun. (Even with lockdowns putting things on hold!)

Some of the activities we’ve enjoyed to date have been a New Year Disco, Valentine’s games, pancake design, and a very popular quiz night.

Other things we offer at FYG are the ‘chillout corner’ where the children can play their own music and chat to friends, game tables like snooker and air hockey, and a regular tuck shop with drinks and snacks to purchase as well as the weekly themed activities. The children are also encouraged to put forward their own ideas for future meetings.

We would love to welcome new young people to the group from Fordham and the surrounding villages. But we would also welcome some extra adult helpers, both male & female, especially as our numbers are growing week on week.

Any suggestions for activities are welcome and if you feel you can help or would like more information, please contact us at

From all of us at FYG, thank you for all the support so far.